Red Lake Falls Volunteer Ambulance

The Red Lake Falls Volunteer Ambulance proudly provides emergency medical services within the City of Red Lake Falls and Rural Red Lake County.
The Red Lake Falls Ambulance Association is licensed by the Minnesota Emergency Medical Regulatory Board (EMSRB) to provide Basic Life Support Ambulance Service and staff its ambulances with a minimum of one Certified Basic Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-Basic) and a First Responder certified Driver.
The Red Lake Falls Ambulance Association is a non-profit 501c3 entity ran by a Board of Directors and a Medical Director.
The members of the Red Lake Falls Volunteer Ambulance are ready to respond 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.
Join Our Service Today!
Are You Looking To Give Back To The Community?
The Red Lake Falls Ambulance Association is always looking for new members.
We provide comprehensive training for all of our members, no experience required!

For General Questions, complete the form below: