Education & Schools
J.A. Hughes Elementary School
Located at 601 1st St NE. The school was built on approximately 20 acres in 1967. J.A. Hughes sits atop a hill in Red Lake Falls where the children love to slide in the winter. An outdoors-environmental classroom has been developed on approximately seven acres along the wooded area and river at the bottom of the hill. A large space is available for playing softball or baseball, a basketball court, swings, and a large playground complex that includes slides, climbing tubes, and over hand bars to develop upper body strength.
The first elementary school built in Red Lake Falls in 1905 was called Washington School. It was a four-room, two-story brick building. The school was torn down in 1958. After the old Washington school was torn down, the elementary students went to school in the new addition to Lafayette. The new Washington school was completed in 1967. When Washington school opened, William Jackson was hired as the district's first elementary principal. This spacious modern building was described as being library-centered. Six large rooms, each intended for two classes, surround the library. In addition there were rooms built for special classes and counseling, a music room, two kindergarten rooms, a nurse's station, a faculty lounge and office space. Over the years, the use of some rooms has changed, for example, the addition of a computer lab that allows students access to the Internet. A second computer lab has been added to one of the classroom spaces, as well as an art and science room. The gymnasium, also used as the lunchroom, adjoins a modern kitchen. On December 6, 1981 the Washington Elementary School changed its name to J.A. Hughes Elementary School after the superintendent and long-time member of the Red Lake Falls School District.
Lafayette High School
The new Lafayette High School opened in September of 1997 and features a full range of modern technology with a forward looking curriculum and services. Among these are: Internet access with computers in all rooms, internal TV system used by students to produce regular news programs and the school web site which is updated and run by the school's publications class. There is also a full range of academic tutoring services, counseling and social services , student socialization groups, Advisor/Advisee process and a very active performance arts department. Our students take part in the River Watch program, college classes are taught in our school and also the enrichment programs offered through nearby universities.
Lafayette High School's extra-curricular activities offer opportunities for all students to find a way to express talent and energy in a positive manner. Types of activities include the One-Act and Three-Act play as well as Drama, Jazz Band, Drumline, Knowledge Bowl, Lafayette Honor Society, Student Council, Speech, Football, Volleyball, Boys Hockey, Girls & Boys Basketball, Golf, Boys baseball, Girls Fast Pitch Softball, Track as well as manager positions in each sport.